Content Management Systems

What is a content management system?
A content management system (usually abbreviated CMS) is an administration interface for a web site which allows non-technical people to update and manage the site without requiring technical knowledge. The CMS that Stellar Web Works uses is really simple to use and it empowers any non-technical person to create and edit the website’s content without any knowledge of technology like knowledge of HTML etc.

Do I need a CMS?
If you (or your staff) would like to make updates to your website yourself and are not a technical person (in the web sense), then you really need a CMS. Even if you are familiar with HTML and comfortable editing the source code directly, a CMS makes the whole thing a lot easier.

WordPress Content Management System

Which CMS?
Stellar Web Works works with a number of content management systems but the one that we use most often is WordPress. We have been early adopters of WordPress, building websites with it since 2007! Back then it was still considered to be more of a platform for building Blog type websites rather than a full blown CMS. But it was extendible and we along with many other web developers learned the tricks to make it work as a fully functional and easy to use CMS. Since then it has evolved into a fully-fledged CMS and indeed the most popular CMS in use today! It is also very user-friendly (which is the reason so many people choose it) and has great features for search engine optimisation.

So, how does this CMS thing work?
The website owner/manager will have a login to log in to the CMS (the back-end of the website). Once you are logged in, you can go back to the public website and view it as as normal but with one key difference – you will see a toolbar at the top of each page. If you want to make a quick change such as change the text on a page, all you have to do is click the ‘Edit’ button on the toolbar. Then you are taken to the edit area for that page. You simply change the text in the edit box and click ‘Save’ and you’re done – easy as that! Of course you can do much more than edit text – you can add images and other files, create new pages, run a blog and much much more.

Other benefits of a CMS
Having a CMS based website allows you to take complete control of your website, which will provide your business with several important benefits, including:

Contact us now to discuss if WordPress or another CMS is right for your project

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