Domain Names
A domain name is a website’s address e.g. mysite.co.nz. If you do not already have a domain name for your website, Stellar Web Works can reserve a domain name for you and handle all the setup details.
Web Hosting
Every website needs to be ‘hosted’ on a web server so that it is available over the internet. We can provide you with hosting for your site.
Stellar Web Works can provide and manage a premium hosting solution for your website. Not all web hosting is equal. Having fast and reliable hosting for your website is an important factor in your search engine ranking and so that you provide a good user experience for your website visitors.
Email Setup
Stellar Web Works can set up email services for your domain so that you can have email addresses that use your website domain e.g. jane@mycompany.nz, info@mycompany.nz. We have a number of options for email setup and can advise you on the best solution for your needs.
Secure Certificates
A secure certificate (SSL certificate) is used for encrypting the data that goes to and from your website. A secured web address starts with https:// whereas an unsecured web address starts with http://. If your website doesn’t collect sensitive data, like credit card details, you may not have needed an SSL certificate in the past. However, in recent years, starting with Google Chrome, web browsers have added notifications to indicate if content is not secured. So to ensure that your website visitors trust your website, it is important to have an SSL certificate and deliver your website via secure HTTPS protocol rather that plain HTTP protocol. Stellar Web Works includes a secure certificate with all hosting packages.